Package 'typed'

Title: Support Types for Variables, Arguments, and Return Values
Description: A type system for R. It supports setting variable types in a script or the body of a function, so variables can't be assigned illegal values. Moreover it supports setting argument and return types for functions.
Authors: Antoine Fabri [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Antoine Fabri <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-02 06:27:26 UTC

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Set Variable Types, Argument Types and Return Types.


Use ⁠?⁠ to set a function's return type, argument types, or variable types in the body of the function. declare is an alternative to set a variable's type.


`?`(lhs, rhs)

declare(x, assertion, value, const = FALSE)







variable name as a string


a function


an optional value


whether to declare x as a constant


declare (and ⁠?⁠ when it maps to declare) returns value invisibly, it is called for side effects. ⁠assertion ? function(<args>) {<body>}⁠ returns a typed function, of class c("typed", "function"). ⁠fun <- assertion ? function(<args>) {<body>}⁠ returns a typed function and binds it to fun in the local environment.

Set A Variable's Type

When used to set a variable's type, ⁠?⁠ maps to declare so that assertion ? var calls declare("var", assertion), assertion ? var <- value calls declare("var", assertion, value), and assertion ? (var) <- value calls declare("var", assertion, value, const = TRUE)

In those cases an active binding is defined so var returns value (or NULL if none was provided). If const is FALSE (the default), the returned value can then be altered if by assigning to var, but a value which doesn't satisfy the assertion will trigger an error.

Set A Function's Return Type

The syntaxes ⁠assertion ? function(<args>) {<body>}⁠ and ⁠fun <- assertion ? function(<args>) {<body>}⁠ can be used to create a function of class c("typed", "function"). The returned function will have its body modified so that return values are wrapped inside a check_output() call. Printing the function will display the return type.

Set A Function Argument's Type

When using the above syntax, or if we don't want to force a return type, the simpler ⁠? function(<args>) {<body>}⁠ or ⁠fun <- ? function(<args>) {<body>}⁠ syntax, we can set argument types by providing arguments as arg = default_value ? assertion or arg = ? assertion. When entering the function, argument types will be checked.

By default the arguments are only checked at the top, and might be assigned later in the function's body values that don't satisfy the assertion, to avoid this we can type arg = default_value ? +assertion or arg = ? +assertion.

Note that forgetting the ⁠?⁠ before function is an easy mistake to do!

If we'd rather check the quoted argument rather than the argument's value, we can type arg = default_value ? ~assertion or arg = ? ~assertion. A possible use case might be arg = ? ~ Symbol().

Dots can be checked too, ... = ? assertion will make sure that every argument passed to dots satisfies the assertion.

The special assertion factory Dots can also be used, in that case the checks will apply to list(...) rather than to each element individually, for instance ⁠function(... = ? Dots(2))⁠ makes sure the dots were fed 2 values.

The returned function will have its body modified so the arguments are checked by check_arg() calls at the top. Printing the function will display the argument types.


Integer() ? function (x= ? Integer()) {
  Integer() ? y <- 2L
  res <- x + y

Build a new type


Build a new type





a function


a function with class assertion_factory

Assertion factories of package 'typed'


These functions are assertion factories, they produce assertions, which take an object, check conditions, and returns the input, usually unmodified (never modified with the functions documented on this page).

Additional conditions can be provided :

  • If they are named, the name should be the name of a function to use on our object, and the value should be the expected value.

  • If they are unnamed, they should be formulas, the right hand side should be a condition, using value or . as a placeholder for the latter, and the optional lhs an error message.

Any is the most general assertion factory, it doesn't check anything unless provided additional conditions through .... Others use the base ⁠is.<type>⁠ function if available, or check that the object is of the relevant type with typeof for atomic types, or check that the class of the checked value contains the relevant class.

See advanced examples at the bottom, including uses of Symbol() and Dots().


Any(length = NULL, ...)

Logical(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Integer(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Double(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Character(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Raw(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

List(length = NULL, each, data_frame_ok, null_ok = FALSE, ...)


Closure(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Special(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Builtin(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Environment(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Symbol(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Pairlist(length = NULL, each, null_ok = TRUE, ...)

Language(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Expression(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Function(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Factor(length = NULL, levels, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Matrix(nrow, ncol, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Array(dim, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Data.frame(nrow, ncol, each, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Date(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Time(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Dots(length = NULL, each, ...)

Logical(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Integer(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Double(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Character(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Raw(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

List(length = NULL, each, data_frame_ok = TRUE, null_ok = FALSE, ...)


Closure(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Special(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Builtin(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Environment(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Symbol(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Pairlist(length = NULL, each, null_ok = TRUE, ...)

Language(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Expression(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Function(null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Factor(length = NULL, levels, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Data.frame(nrow, ncol, each, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Matrix(nrow, ncol, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Array(dim, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Date(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Time(length = NULL, null_ok = FALSE, ...)

Dots(length = NULL, each, ...)



length of the object


additional conditions, see details.


whether NULL values should be accepted, and not subjected to any further check.


assertion that every item must satisfy


whether data frames are to be considered as lists


factor levels


number of rows


number of columns




A function, and more specifically, an assertion as defined above.


## Not run: 
# fails
Integer() ? x <- 1
# equivalent to
declare("x", Integer(), value = 1)

Integer(2) ? x <- 1L

# we can use additional conditions in `...`
Integer(anyNA = FALSE) ? x <- c(1L, NA, 1L)
Integer(anyDuplicated = 0L) ? x <- c(1L, NA, 1L)

## End(Not run)

Integer(2) ? x <- 11:12

## Not run: 
# We can also use it directly to test assertions
Integer() ? x <- 1
# equivalent to
declare("x", Integer(), value = 1)

Integer(2) ? x <- 1L

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# I we want to restrict the quoted expression rather than the value of an
# argument, we can use `?~` :
identity_sym_only <- ? function (x= ?~ Symbol()) {

a <- 1
identity_sym_only(a + a)


## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
integer_list <- ? function (...= ? Integer()) {

integer_list(1L, 2L, "a")

integer_pair <- ? function (...= ? Dots(2, each = Integer())) {

integer_pair(1L, 2L, 3L)
integer_pair(1L, "a", "a")

x <- 1
y <- 2
symbol_list1 <- ? function (...= ? Dots(2, Symbol())) {
symbol_list1(quote(x), quote(y))
symbol_list1(x, y)

symbol_list2 <- ? function (...= ?~ Dots(2, Symbol())) {
symbol_list2(x, x + y)
symbol_list2(x, y)

## End(Not run)

Check Argument Types and Return Type


These functions are not designed to be used directly, we advise to use the syntaxes described in ?declare instead. check_arg checks that arguments satisfy an assertion, and if relevant make them into active bindings to make sure they always satisy it. check_output checks that the value, presumably a return value, satisfies an assertion,


check_output(.output, .assertion, ...)

check_arg(.arg, .assertion, ..., .bind = FALSE)



function output


an assertion


additional arguments passed to assertion


function argument


whether to actively bind the argument so it cannot be modified unless it satisfies the assertion


.outputif it satisfies the assertion, fails otherwise.

returns NULL invisibly, called for side effects.

Process assertion factory dots


This needs to be exported, but shouldn't be called by the user







a ⁠{⁠ expression

Use the 'typed' package


This sets up your package so you can use 'typed', by editing the DESCRIPTION file and editing or creating 'R/your.pkg-package.R'




Returns NULL invisibly, called for side effects